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Trang chủ » 공무원 임용령: 이제는 더 이상 놓치지 마세요! (Translation: Government Employee Appointment Regulations: Don’t Miss Out Anymore!)

공무원 임용령: 이제는 더 이상 놓치지 마세요! (Translation: Government Employee Appointment Regulations: Don’t Miss Out Anymore!)

(심화) 인사행정 4-27 [공무원임용령]

공무원 임용령

공무원 임용령 – The Law Governing the Appointment of Government Officials

공무원 임용령 (Government Officials Appointment Law) is a South Korean law that regulates the appointment of government officials in the country. The law lays out rules and procedures for the appointment of officials from various sectors, including central, provincial, and educational organizations. The goal of the law is to ensure that the appointment process for government officials is fair, transparent, and based on merit.

임용령의 정의 (Definition of Appointment Law)

임용령 (appointment law) is a law that governs the hiring of government employees and officials. The purpose of this law is to ensure that the appointment process for government officials is fair, transparent, and based on merit. This law also provides guidelines on how the appointment process should be conducted and what criteria should be used to evaluate the qualifications of potential candidates.

임용령의 역사적 배경 (Historical Background of Appointment Law)

The appointment of government officials has been a significant issue in South Korea, with allegations of nepotism and corruption reports dating back to the 1950s. The country has experienced different political and economic conditions, leading to reform of the appointment system over time.

The first government agency in South Korea to develop a merit-based appointment system was the Seoul Metropolitan Government in 1955. The system gained popularity among other agencies, and in 1960, the government introduced a comprehensive reform package called the Bando Plan. This plan aimed to establish a transparent and competitive appointment system based on merit.

The Bando plan was replaced by the Personnel Management Office Act in 1962, which introduced a centralized appointment system that limited the power of political appointees to influence appointments. In 1964, the Appointment of Officials Act created an independent commission to manage government personnel and conduct appointments.

The appointment system has been revised several times since the 1960s. In 1994, the Law on Civil Service was enacted, which provided a legal framework for the appointment and management of civil servants. The government also established the Public Personnel Management Institute in the same year to support the implementation of the law.

Despite these efforts, criticism of the appointment system persists. In recent years, concerns have been raised over the influence of political appointments, the lack of transparency in the appointment process, and the use of vague criteria to evaluate the qualifications of candidates.

임용령의 목적 (Purpose of Appointment Law)

The primary goal of the 공무원 임용령 is to ensure that the appointment process for government officials is conducted fairly, transparently, and based on merit. The law aims to:

– Promote transparency: The appointment process for government officials should be transparent to promote public trust and confidence in the government.
– Ensure fairness: The appointment process should be fair and not discriminatory against any group or individual.
– Improve efficiency: The appointment process should be efficient and minimize delays in filling vacant positions.
– Enhance professionalism: The appointment process should ensure that qualified candidates are selected based on their skills and experience.

임용령의 범위와 적용 대상 (Scope and Applicability of Appointment Law)

The Government Officials Appointment Law applies to government officials in South Korea, including those in central government agencies, local government agencies, and educational institutions.

The law applies to both permanent and non-permanent government officials. Permanent officials are those who are appointed to positions that require a long-term appointment, such as judges, prosecutors, and diplomats. Non-permanent officials are typically appointed to positions that require a shorter-term appointment, such as contract workers or temporary employees.

The law also applies to officials who are subject to appointment through an examination or an interview process. It does not apply to officials who are appointed by the head of an agency or organization without going through a competitive selection process.

임용령의 직위 분류와 등급 (Classification and Grades of Officials Appointed under Appointment Law)

The Government Officials Appointment Law classifies government officials into different categories based on their job duties and responsibilities. These categories and grades are:

– Senior officials: This includes positions in the top management of government agencies and organizations, such as the head of a ministry or commissioner of a local government. Senior officials are classified by grades 1 to 5.
– Middle-ranking officials: This includes mid-level management and administrative positions, such as director or deputy director. Middle-ranking officials are classified by grades 6 to 9.
– Junior officials: This includes entry-level positions and positions that do not involve significant management or decision-making authority. Junior officials are classified as grade 10.

임용절차와 지명위원회의 역할 (Appointment Procedures and Role of Appointment Committees)

The appointment process under the Government Officials Appointment Law involves several steps. These steps include:

– Job announcement: An agency or organization must announce a vacant position through various channels, such as their website or newspapers.
– Application: Applicants must submit their applications and necessary documents, such as their resume, education certificates, and relevant work experience.
– Screening: Applicants are screened based on their qualifications and experience.
– Written test: Eligible candidates are required to take a written exam to assess their knowledge and skills.
– Interview: Candidates who pass the written exam are called for an interview to assess their suitability for the job.
– Appointment: The most qualified candidate is selected based on their performance in the written and interview tests and other factors such as their background check.

The appointment process may involve an appointment committee responsible for evaluating candidates and making decisions about appointments. The appointment committee consists of both internal and external members and plays a crucial role in ensuring that the appointment process is transparent, fair, and based on merit.

공무원 임용령의 개정과 문제점 (Amendments and Issues with Appointment Law)

The Government Officials Appointment Law has been revised several times to address issues with the appointment process. Recent amendments have focused on increasing transparency, reducing political influence, and improving the quality of candidates. Despite these efforts, several challenges remain.

One significant issue with the appointment system is the potential for political interference. Political appointees may use their influence to select candidates based on political affiliation rather than merit, undermining the effectiveness of the appointment process.

Another issue is the lack of transparency in the appointment process. Candidates may not have clear criteria for evaluation, and their performance in tests or interviews may not be adequately disclosed. This lack of transparency can lead to a perception of bias or favoritism.

Finally, some critics have argued that the examination process used to evaluate candidates is too narrow and does not provide a comprehensive assessment of a candidate’s qualifications. This may lead the appointment committee to select candidates who excel on exams but lack relevant experience or practical skills necessary for the job.

임용령과 관련된 법령과 제도 (Laws and Systems Related to Appointment Law)

There are several laws and systems related to the Government Officials Appointment Law in South Korea. These include:

– 지방공무원 임용령 (Local Government Officials Appointment Law): This law regulates the appointment of officials in local government agencies, including mayors, councilors, and executives.
– 임기제 공무원 나무위키 (Term Appointment System for Public Officials): This system applies to officials who are appointed for a fixed term rather than a permanent position. The system aims to increase flexibility in the appointment process and promote the smooth transfer of power between administrations.
– 공무원임용규칙 (Rules of Appointment of Government Officials): These rules provide detailed guidelines for the appointment of government officials in various organizations, such as educational institutions and public sector organizations.
– 교육공무원임용령 (Appointment Law for Educational Officials): This law regulates the appointment of education officials, such as teachers and school administrators, at both the national and local levels.
– 경찰공무원임용령 (Appointment Law for Police Officials): This law regulates the appointment of police officials in South Korea, including police officers and senior officers.

임용령 준수의 중요성과 규정 위반시의 조치 (Importance of Compliance with Appointment Law and Consequences for Violations)

Compliance with the Government Officials Appointment Law is crucial for ensuring the credibility of the appointment process and the legitimacy of the government. Violations of the appointment regulations can result in the following consequences:

– Cancellation of appointments: If an appointment is found to be in violation of the appointment regulations, it may be canceled, and the position may be declared vacant.
– Investigations and penalties: Candidates who engage in unethical, fraudulent, or illegal behavior during the appointment process may face investigations and penalties, such as fines or suspension from future appointments.
– Legal action: In the most severe cases, violations of appointment regulations may lead to criminal charges.


What is the Government Officials Appointment Law?

The Government Officials Appointment Law is a South Korean law that regulates the appointment of government officials in the country.

What is the purpose of the Government Officials Appointment Law?

The purpose of the Government Officials Appointment Law is to ensure that the appointment process for government officials is fair, transparent, and based on merit.

What is the scope and applicability of the Government Officials Appointment Law?

The Government Officials Appointment Law applies to government officials in South Korea, including those in central government agencies, local government agencies, and educational institutions.

How is the appointment process conducted under the Government Officials Appointment Law?

The appointment process involves several steps, including job announcement, application, screening, written test, interview, and appointment. The process may also involve an appointment committee responsible for evaluating candidates and making decisions about appointments.

What are some issues with the Government Officials Appointment Law?

Challenges with the Government Officials Appointment Law include the potential for political interference, lack of transparency in the appointment process, and a narrow examination process.

What is the importance of compliance with the Government Officials Appointment Law?

Compliance with the Government Officials Appointment Law is crucial for ensuring the credibility of the appointment process and the legitimacy of the government. Violations of the appointment regulations may lead to the cancellation of appointments, investigations and penalties, or criminal charges.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 공무원 임용령 지방공무원 임용령, 임기제 공무원 나무위키, 공무원임용규칙, 교육공무원임용령, 경찰공무원임용령, 일반임기제 공무원, 임기제 공무원 단점, 교육공무원 임용령 일부개정령안

Categories: Top 42 공무원 임용령

(심화) 인사행정 4-27 [공무원임용령]

여기에서 자세히 보기:

지방공무원 임용령

지방공무원 임용령 – What is it and what are the crucial provisions?

The 지방공무원 임용령 is a set of rules and regulations that govern the appointment of local government officials in Korea. The purpose of these provisions is to ensure that the selection of public servants is based on merit and fairness. The regulations included in the 임용령 provide guidance on the selection procedures, criteria for candidate eligibility, and the terms and conditions of employment for local government officials.

The 임용령 was revised on October 22, 2019, to introduce some significant changes reflecting the changing dynamics of the local governance system. These changes, which became effective on October 23, 2019, aim to promote transparency in recruitment processes, enhance job stability for local government officials, and provide a framework for the evaluation and assessment of their performance.

This article provides an overview of the key provisions of the 지방공무원 임용령, highlighting the most important features that candidates should take into consideration before applying for a local government position.

Eligibility requirements:

To be eligible for appointment as a local government official, candidates must meet the following requirements:

– They must be a citizen of the Republic of Korea
– They must be of legal age and have full civil rights
– They must have completed a minimum of high school education, or an equivalent qualification
– They must not have been convicted of any criminal offense involving dishonesty, fraud, or moral turpitude.

Selection Procedures:

The selection process consists of three stages, namely:

Stage 1: Exam and Screening

Candidates must take a written exam, which assesses their knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to the position they are applying for. The written exam includes multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions.

The screening process evaluates candidates’ qualifications, including their academic credentials, work experience, and other relevant achievements. Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and pass the exam and screening process move to the next stage.

Stage 2: Interview

A panel interviews successful candidates, assessing their abilities, knowledge, and aptitude. The interview panel will focus on evaluating candidates’ communication skills, problem-solving abilities, knowledge of local governance issues, and their overall suitability for the position.

Stage 3: Comprehensive Assessment

The comprehensive assessment combines the results of the first two stages with additional criteria that are relevant to the position being considered. These criteria may include language proficiency, professional qualifications, and relevant work experience. The performance of candidates in all stages is evaluated, and those who score the highest marks are selected for appointment.

Terms of Employment:

The 지방공무원 임용령 sets out the terms and conditions of employment for local government officials in Korea. The following provisions are crucial:

– Probationary Period: Local government officials are subject to a probationary period of six months after their appointment. During this period, their performance is evaluated, and if they fail to meet the required standards, their appointment may be terminated without notice.
– Resignation: Officials who wish to resign must notify their supervisor in writing and must provide valid reasons for their resignation. Once approved, resignation becomes effective within seven days.
– Promotion: Officials who demonstrate exceptional performance can be promoted to higher positions within the local government organization.
– Retirement: The minimum age for retirement for local government officials is 60 years. However, some officials may be required to retire earlier, depending on their age at the time of appointment and the terms of their employment contract.

Evaluation and Performance Management:

The 임용령 provides a framework for evaluating local government officials’ performance, including their work quality, attitude, and professional conduct. The evaluation process includes a self-assessment report by the official, assessment by the supervisor, and feedback from colleagues.

The results of the performance evaluation are used to identify areas for improvement, provide training, and guide the promotion and salary increases of officials. The evaluation process also helps to ensure that officials demonstrate a professional ethic and behave ethically while carrying out their duties.


1. What is the 지방공무원 임용령?

The 지방공무원 임용령 is a set of rules and regulations that govern the appointment of local government officials in Korea.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for local government officials in Korea?

To be eligible for appointment as a local government official, candidates must meet the following requirements:

– They must be a citizen of the Republic of Korea
– They must be of legal age and have full civil rights
– They must have completed a minimum of high school education, or an equivalent qualification
– They must not have been convicted of any criminal offense involving dishonesty, fraud, or moral turpitude.

3. What does the selection process for local government officials entail?

The selection process for local government officials consists of three stages. These include an exam and screening stage, an interview stage, and a comprehensive assessment stage.

4. What are the terms and conditions of employment for local government officials in Korea?

The 임용령 provides a framework for the terms and conditions of employment for local government officials in Korea. These include a probationary period, resignation provisions, provisions for promotion and retirement.

5. How does the evaluation and performance management system work for local government officials in Korea?

The evaluation and performance management system for local government officials in Korea involves a self-assessment report, assessment by the supervisor, and feedback from colleagues. The results of the evaluation process are used to identify areas for improvement, provide training, and guide the promotion and salary increases of officials.


In conclusion, the 지방공무원 임용령 plays a critical role in ensuring that local government officials are appointed based on merit and fairness. Candidates who want to work for the local government should take into consideration the eligibility requirements, understand the selection process, and be aware of the terms and conditions of employment. The evaluation and performance management system provides a framework for ensuring that local government officials maintain high standards of performance and ethical conduct while carrying out their duties. By following the provisions of the 임용령, candidates can ensure that they have a fair chance of being appointed to the local government and that their employment experience is both stable and rewarding.

임기제 공무원 나무위키

임기제 공무원 나무위키란 무엇인가?

임기제 공무원 나무위키는 대한민국의 공무원 채용제도인 임기제에 대한 정보를 제공하고 있는 인터넷 백과사전 사이트이다. 이 사이트는 2018년 12월에 만들어졌으며, 임기제 공무원 채용제도에 대한 정보와 관련된 문서들을 모아놓은 커뮤니티 형식의 사이트이다. 이 사이트는 나무위키라는 이름으로도 알려져 있으며, 자발적으로 참여하는 사용자들이 작성하는 문서들이 대부분이다.

임기제 공무원이란 무엇인가?

임기제 공무원이란 일정 기간 동안 근무하고 만료 시 기간이 갱신되지 않는 공무원으로, 한국 정부 부처에서 사무직 직원 등을 대상으로 채용하는 제도이다. 이 제도는 일반적으로 최초 1년의 계약 기간으로 시작하여, 이후 일정 기간마다 갱신 심사를 거쳐 근무 기간을 연장하거나 만료되면 퇴직하는 방식으로 운영된다.

임기제 공무원 채용은 어떻게 이루어지나?

임기제 공무원 채용은 대한민국 정부에서 공고를 내보내며, 이에 대한 지원서 접수와 면접 등의 절차를 거쳐 채용이 이루어진다.

접수 및 전형 과정은 일반적으로 다음과 같다.

1. 공고 및 접수

대한민국 정부에서 임기제 공무원 채용을 위한 글로벌 채용공고를 온라인으로 공지하며, 인터넷에서 지원서를 작성하여 제출해야 한다.

2. 서류 전형 및 합격자 인터뷰

서류 전형에서는 지원서 등을 통해 신청자의 학력, 경력 등에 대한 검토를 하며 합격 여부를 결정한다. 합격자 인터뷰에서는 대면 또는 비대면 방식으로 면접을 거치며, 인성과 역량 등에 대한 평가를 받는다.

3. 최종합격

인터뷰 결과를 바탕으로 대한민국 정부에서는 최종합격자를 발표하며, 합격자는 교육 및 훈련을 통해 업무적으로 능숙해질 수 있도록 지도받을 수 있다.

장점과 단점

임기제 공무원 채용제도에는 여러장점과 단점이 있다. 장점으로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다.

1. 신규 채용자를 효과적으로 모집하고 자사의 역량을 확보할 수 있다.

2. 일정 기간 수행 후 평가를 받는 제도이므로 업무 성과가 높아지도록 동기 부여할 수 있다.

3. 계약 기간에 새로운 일만 할 수 있으므로 업무 호환성이 높아질 수 있다.

그러나 단점으로도 여러가지 문제점이 있다.

1. 우수한 인재를 상당 부분 고용하지 못한다.

2. 커리어 형성이 어렵고 직장 안정성이 부족하다.

3. 일부 부처에서는 임기제 채용이 과도하게 높은 비율을 차지할 가능성이 있다.


1. 나무위키에서 제공하는 정보가 정확한가요?

나무위키는 사용자가 작성하는 문서에 따라 정보가 제공된다. 신뢰할 만한 정보인지 확인하기 위해서는 출처를 확인하는 것이 좋다.

2. 임기제 공무원 채용시 연안접수가 가능한가요?

대한민국 정부의 임기제 공무원 채용 시 연안접수를 받는 경우가 있으며, 접수일정을 확인하여 지원할 수 있다.

3. 임기제 공무원 채용시에는 어떤 자격요건이 필요한가요?

대한민국 정부에서 공고하는 임기제 공무원 채용의 경우, 자격요건은 채용공고에서 확인할 수 있다. 보통은 대한민국 국적, 성적, 학위, 경력 등이 요구된다.

4. 임기제 공무원 채용의 기간을 연장할 수 있는가요?

임기제 공무원의 근무 기간은 일정 기간마다 갱신 심사를 거쳐 연장될 수 있으며, 재직 도중 일정 기간 이상 근무하고야만 채용이 가능하다.

5. 임기제 공무원 채용의 직무 및 근무 지원은 어떻게 이루어지나요?

임기제 공무원 채용에서는 대한민국 정부 부처에서 운영하는 일반적인 공공기관 업무를 담당한다. 이에 따라, 관련 부처에서 근무하게 된다.

주제와 관련된 이미지 공무원 임용령

(심화) 인사행정 4-27 [공무원임용령]
(심화) 인사행정 4-27 [공무원임용령]

공무원 임용령 주제와 관련된 이미지 15개를 찾았습니다.

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Article link: 공무원 임용령.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 공무원 임용령.

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