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Trang chủ » 공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금, 이것만은 미리 알자! (클릭해서 알아보세요)

공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금, 이것만은 미리 알자! (클릭해서 알아보세요)

공무집행방해 벌금형 집행유예 선처 받은 사례 모음 (공집방 형사전문 변호사)

공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금


공무집행방해죄는, 공무원이 공무를 수행하는 과정에서 방해하는 행위를 말한다. 이는 예를 들어, 경찰관이 범죄 조사를 할 때, 그를 방해하는 행위를 하는 것을 의미한다. 공무집행방해죄는, 공무집행에 필요한 작업들에 대해 지장을 주는 행위이며, 이로 인해, 집행의 원활성 및 일정이 지연될 우려가 있다.

공무집행방해죄 설명

공무집행방해죄는, 다음과 같은 행위들을 포함한다.

1. 공무원에게 접근하거나, 그를 추적, 강요하는 행위.

2. 공무를 집행하는데 필요한 공간에 건물, 차량, 동물 등으로 접근하는 행위.

3. 공무를 수행하는 곳에서 비상한 발언을 하거나 소란을 피우는 행위.

4. 공무를 수행하는데 필요한 행동을 방해하는 행위.

5. 공무원 이외의 사람들이 공무를 수행하는 것을 방해하는 행위.

초범에 대한 공무집행방해죄 처벌

공무집행방해죄는, 범죄의 종류 중 하나이므로, 문제가 된 행위가 일어나면, 법적으로 처벌을 받게 된다. 공무집행방해죄의 처벌은 다음과 같다.

1. 벌금: 1,000만원 이하

2. 징역: 3년 이하

벌금형 절차

공무집행방해죄의 벌금형 절차는 다음과 같다.

1. 검사 또는 경찰 조사

공무집행방해죄가 발생하면, 가장 먼저 경찰이 불려져 현장에서 조사를 한다. 이후, 경찰이 수집한 증거를 바탕으로 검사가 조사를 한다.

2. 구속 또는 비구속 체포

검사가 범죄가 성립될 것으로 판단되면, 구속 또는 비구속 체포를 한다.

3. 재판

공범자가 있는 경우, 법원은 모든 피의자를 별도로 조사한 뒤, 재판에 가담하는 피의자에 대한 판결을 내린다.

벌금형 이의제기 절차

벌금형 이의제기 절차는 다음과 같다.

1. 벌금을 부과 받은 자가 항소를 결정하면, 항소심에서 벌금이나 징역으로 변경될 우려가 있다.

2. 벌금에 대한 이의를 제기하면, 법원은 구속을 결정한다.

초범자에게 주어진 벌금과 다른 처벌

공무집행방해죄의 경우, 법원은 거의 항상 벌금을 부과한다. 하지만, 법원이 고의적으로 공무를 방해하는 경우, 징역형을 가할 수도 있다. 초범자에게 주어진 벌금은 1000만 원 이하로, 2000만 원 이하가 되기도 한다.

무기징역과 공무집행방해죄

공무집행방해죄의 경우, 벌금형이 주로 가해지지만, 가중 처벌을 받을 수도 있다. 가중처벌은, 공무원에 대한 폭력적인 행위를 일으킨 경우, 또는 공무를 집행하는 곳에서 무기로 공격을 한 경우를 말한다. 또한, 전선침투, 서버공격 등의 사례들은 현재 거의 흔하게 일어나고 있으며, 이들은 모두 가중 처벌을 받을 수도 있다.

초범 공무집행방해죄 벌금 처리 예시

최근, 공무집행방해죄 범죄 사례가 많이 발생하고 있다. 예를 들어, CCTV에 차량 번호를 임의로 바꾸는 등의 일을 하는 경우가 많다. 이들은 대부분의 경우 벌금이 부과된다. 그 중에서도, 초범자들이 주로 받는 벌금은 1000만 원 이하이다.

공무집행방해 후기

공무집행방해죄 후기는, 범죄를 행한 사람들이 후회하는 모습이다. 이들은 벌금 혹은 징역형 처벌을 받은 후, 다른 사람들에게 자신의 행동을 후회한다. 이 후회의 반응은 주로 반성문 혹은 인터뷰를 통해 남기기도 한다.

공무집행방해죄 반성문

공무집행방해죄 반성문은, 범죄를 축소하는 것이 아닌, 저지른 행동을 반성하고 사회에 묻어나서는 모습을 담은 글이다. 이들은 자신의 부주의로 다른 사람을 힘든 상황에 빠뜨리고, 대단한 일을 시도했다는 것을 깨닫고 이에 대한 대가를 치뤘다. 이들은 법적 처벌을 받고, 사람으로서의 함정에 빠졌음을 깨닫고 회한한다.

공무집행방해죄 초범 실형

공무집행방해죄의 경우, 법원은 거의 항상 벌금을 부과한다. 하지만, 법원이 고의적으로 공무를 방해하는 경우, 징역형을 가할 수도 있다. 초범자에게 주어진 벌금은 1000만 원 이하로, 2000만 원 이하가 되기도 한다. 그러나, 혼자 공무를 집행할 경우, 징역형을 가혹하게 받을 수도 있다.

공무집행방해죄 성립요건

공무집행방해죄를 성립시키기 위해서는, 다음과 같은 요건들이 필요하다.

1. 공무집행이 진행중일 것이라고 승인되어 그 곳에 대한 출입을 막는 것.

2. 공무집행이 진행되는 주체나 관능 행위를 방해하는 일을 할 것.

3. 공무집행이 진행중인 곳이 공공장소이거나, 공무원들이 수행하는데 필수적인 장소에 해당하는 것.

공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금 FAQs

Q: 공무집행방해죄의 초범자는 어떻게 처벌받을까요?
A: 공무집행방해죄의 초범자는 대부분 벌금을 부과받습니다.

Q: 공무집행방해죄의 벌금형 절차는 무엇인가요?
A: 검사 또는 경찰 조사, 구속 또는 비구속 체포, 재판 등이 있습니다.

Q: 초범자에게 주어진 벌금은 어느정도인가요?
A: 벌금은 1000만 원 이하로, 2000만 원 이하가 될 수 있습니다.

Q: 공무집행방해죄에 대한 가중 처벌은 어떤 경우에 주어질까요?
A: 공범자와 함께 폭력적인 행위를 일으킨 경우, 무기로 공격을 한 경우 등이 있습니다.

Q: 벌금형 이의 제기 절차는 무엇인가요?
A: 벌금형 이의 제기 절차는 구속을 결정합니다.

Q: 공무집행방해죄의 성립요건에는 어떤 것들이 포함됩니까?
A: 공무집행이 진행중일 것이라고 승인되어 그 곳에 대한 출입을 막는 것, 공무집행이 진행되는 주체나 관능 행위를 방해하는 일을 할 것, 공무집행이 진행중인 곳이 공공장소이거나, 공무원들이 수행하는데 필수적인 장소에 해당하는 것입니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금 공무집행방해 후기, 공무집행방해죄 반성문, 공무집행방해죄 초범 실형, 공무집행방해죄 성립요건

Categories: Top 83 공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금

공무집행방해 벌금형 집행유예 선처 받은 사례 모음 (공집방 형사전문 변호사)

여기에서 자세히 보기:

공무집행방해 후기

공무집행방해 (obstruction of official duties) is a criminal offense in South Korea and is punished under the Criminal Act. In June 2016, amendments to the Act came into effect, increasing the penalties for obstructing official duties. The offense of obstruction of official duties is defined as intentionally obstructing an official who is performing his or her duties, causing inconvenience or damage to the performance of those duties.

In South Korea, obstructing official duties is punishable by imprisonment of up to three years or by a fine of up to ten million won. However, the punishment can be increased to up to five years imprisonment if the obstruction is committed in connection with a crime that carries a heavier punishment.

One of the most recent high-profile cases of obstruction of official duties in South Korea was the case of 공무집행방해 후기 (the Gangnam Station murder case). In the early hours of May 17, 2016, a man identified only as Kim stabbed and killed a 23-year-old woman outside a restroom in a station in Gangnam, Seoul. The victim was the daughter of a high-ranking military official. The incident sparked widespread outrage and protests in South Korea, with many criticizing the police for failing to prevent the attack.

In the aftermath of the murder, a group of protesters gathered outside the Gangnam police station, demanding that the police take stronger action against violence against women. The protesters clashed with the police, blocking the entrance to the station and throwing water bottles and other objects at the officers. Some of the protesters also attempted to break into the station and free Kim from custody.

The police eventually arrested over 200 people for obstructing official duties and violating the Act on Assembly and Demonstration, which governs the right to protest in South Korea. Several of the protesters were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 10 to 36 months.

The Gangnam Station murder case and the subsequent protests highlighted the complex and contentious issue of the right to protest in South Korea. Many activists and civil liberties groups argue that the current criminal penalties for obstruction of official duties are too harsh and are being used to suppress civil society and political dissent. They also argue that the police often abuse their power and use excessive force when dealing with protesters, leading to further violence and tension.

On the other hand, many conservatives and law and order advocates argue that the police have a duty to maintain public order and that protesters who disobey the law and obstruct official duties should be punished harshly in order to deter future lawlessness and maintain respect for the rule of law.

The debate over the appropriate punishment for obstruction of official duties is likely to continue in South Korea for some time. In the meantime, it is important for individuals and organizations to be aware of the potential legal consequences of engaging in protest or other forms of civil disobedience in South Korea.


1. What is the penalty for obstructing official duties in South Korea?

The penalty for obstructing official duties in South Korea is imprisonment of up to three years or a fine of up to ten million won. However, the punishment can be increased to up to five years imprisonment if the obstruction is committed in connection with a crime that carries a heavier punishment.

2. What is the Gangnam Station murder case?

The Gangnam Station murder case refers to the stabbing of a 23-year-old woman outside a restroom in a station in Gangnam, Seoul in 2016. The case sparked widespread protests and outrage in South Korea, with many criticizing the police for failing to prevent the attack.

3. What were the protests about?

The protests were mainly focused on demanding stronger action against violence against women in South Korea.

4. How many people were arrested for obstructing official duties in connection with the protests?

Over 200 people were arrested for obstructing official duties and violating the Act on Assembly and Demonstration.

5. What is the Act on Assembly and Demonstration?

The Act on Assembly and Demonstration is a law in South Korea that governs the right to protest and assemble in public spaces. The law outlines the regulations and restrictions that apply to demonstrations and the penalties for violating those regulations.

공무집행방해죄 반성문

공무집행방해죄 반성문 (Reflection letter on the offence of obstructing official duties) is a document that is required to be written by the person who has been convicted for the offence of obstructing official duties in South Korea. It is a way for the offender to reflect on their actions and to show remorse for the harm that they have caused. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about 공무집행방해죄 반성문, including what the offence entails, the purpose of the reflection letter, and some frequently asked questions about the process.

What is the offence of obstructing official duties?

공무집행방해죄 (obstruction of official duties) is a criminal offence in South Korea. This offence is committed when a person intentionally interferes with a public official in the execution of their duties. The term “public official” includes a wide range of people who work in various government agencies, such as police officers, court officials, tax collectors, and civil servants.

Obstruction of official duties is a serious offence in South Korea, and it carries severe punishments. The Criminal Act stipulates a maximum prison sentence of three years and a fine of up to 10 million won ($8,500) for this offence. Moreover, if the obstruction causes physical harm or damage to public property, the offender may face even harsher penalties.

What is a 공무집행방해죄 반성문?

공무집행방해죄 반성문 (reflection letter on the offence of obstruction of official duties) is a document that the offender is required to produce as part of their sentence. This letter is intended to help the offender reflect on their actions and take responsibility for what they have done.

The reflection letter should include an honest and sincere expression of remorse for the actions that led to the offence. The letter should also detail the impact that the offence has had on the victim, the public officials involved, and the wider community. The offender should show that they understand the seriousness of their actions and that they are committed to avoiding similar mistakes in the future.

In most cases, the reflection letter is submitted to the court as part of the offender’s sentence. However, some government agencies may also require individuals to submit a reflection letter as part of their employment termination or disciplinary proceedings.

What is the purpose of a 공무집행방해죄 반성문?

The primary purpose of the reflection letter is to help the offender take responsibility for their actions and reflect on the harm that they have caused. By doing so, the offender can learn from their mistakes and take steps to avoid similar behaviour in the future.

The reflection letter is also intended to show the victim, the public officials involved, and the wider community that the offender is remorseful for what they have done. This expression of remorse can help to promote healing and reconciliation between the offender and the people harmed by their actions.

Additionally, the reflection letter serves as a deterrent to other potential offenders. By making the consequences of obstruction of official duties clear, the reflection letter can help to prevent similar offences in the future.

What should be included in a 공무집행방해죄 반성문?

When writing a reflection letter on the offence of obstruction of official duties, the following elements should be included:

1. A sincere apology for the offence.

2. An admission of guilt for the offence.

3. An explanation of the circumstances that led to the offence.

4. A description of the impact that the offence has had on the victim, the public officials involved, and the wider community.

5. An expression of remorse for the harm caused.

6. A commitment to avoid similar behaviour in the future.

7. A demonstration of an understanding of the seriousness of the offence and a willingness to accept the consequences.

8. A request for forgiveness.

It is important to write the reflection letter in a sincere and authentic manner. The letter should show that the offender has taken the time to reflect on their actions and that they are committed to learning from their mistakes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is required to write a 공무집행방해죄 반성문?

A: The offender who has been convicted of obstruction of official duties is required to submit a reflection letter as part of their sentence.

Q: For how long should the letter be?

A: There is no specific length requirement for the reflection letter. However, it should be long enough to address all the required elements and demonstrate sincere reflection on the offence.

Q: Can the reflection letter reduce the sentence?

A: Whilst the reflection letter is not a guarantee of a reduced sentence, it can be taken into consideration by the court as a mitigating factor. This can result in a more lenient sentence for the offender.

Q: Who reads the reflection letter?

A: The reflection letter is typically read by the court and the prosecutor as part of the sentencing process. In some cases, the letter may also be read by the victim, the public officials involved, and the wider community.

Q: What happens if the reflection letter is not sincere?

A: If the reflection letter is deemed insincere or superficial, it may have a negative impact on the offender’s sentence. The court may view the letter as an attempt to avoid punishment rather than a genuine reflection on the offence.

In conclusion, 공무집행방해죄 반성문 is a required element of the sentence for anyone convicted of interfering with public officials in the execution of their duties in South Korea. The reflection letter is designed to encourage the offender to reflect on their actions and take responsibility for the harm that they have caused. By doing so, the offender can learn from their mistakes and avoid similar behaviour in the future. Writing a sincere and authentic reflection letter can also help to promote healing and reconciliation between the offender and the people affected by their actions.

공무집행방해죄 초범 실형

공무집행방해죄 초범 실형 (obstructing official duties, first offense imprisonment) is a serious criminal offense in South Korea. This crime is committed by someone who obstructs, interferes with, or undermines the performance of an official’s duties under the law.

The Korean Criminal Code, specifically Article 136, stipulates that anyone who disrupts public affairs such as administration, policing, judiciary, legislation, and local government, will be punished with imprisonment or a fine. While the sentence can range from six months to three years in prison, for a first offense, imprisonment is likely to be less severe than subsequent convictions.

What Constitutes 공무집행방해죄?

The formation of this criminal offense is rather broad, meaning that various acts can define obstructing official duties. Such acts include violence, force, intimidation, abuse of authority, and defamation:

– Violence or force: This act involves hurting or injuring an official or physically preventing them from carrying out their legal duties.
– Intimidation: This involves threatening or warning an official from performing their legal responsibilities or causing fear towards them.
– Abuse of power or authority: In this scenario, an individual who holds authority misuses their power by ordering someone not to carry or complete official duties.
– Defamation: This involves circulating false information or rumors to undermine the credibility or reputation of an official or department in charge of performing official duties.

It is also important to note that the obstructive act does not necessarily have to be successful or completed to be considered a crime. Attempting to interfere with an official’s duties is enough to constitute a violation of the law, and hence anyone who attempts to commit any of the above acts could still face charges.

The Legal Process for 공무집행방해죄

Once an individual has been charged with obstructing official duties, the legal process follows similarly to any criminal offense in South Korea. An investigation will be carried out by the Public Prosecutors’ Office, who will gather evidence and testimonies from the victim, witnesses, and law enforcement officers.

If there is enough evidence to support the charge, the suspect would be brought to trial. At the trial, the prosecutors would present their case, and the accused would have an opportunity to present their defense. If the court finds the defendant guilty, they would be sentenced accordingly.

Since this offense is a criminal offense, the case would be heard at a criminal court, which means the defendant would need to appear in court. They would also have the right to be represented by an advocate or an attorney.

The Punishment for 공무집행방해죄

A guilty verdict for obstructing official duties would result in punishment. The punishment for this crime is imprisonment or a fine, as stipulated in Article 136 of the Criminal Code.

The length of imprisonment can vary from six months to three years depending on the severity of the act. However, if it’s the offender’s first time, imprisonment could be less severe than subsequent convictions. It is also important to note that probation or community service can be considered a lighter sentence.

Furthermore, the amount of the fine depends on the offender’s economic situation and the severity of the crime. The offender’s financial penalties can range from one million KRW ($850) to 10 million KRW ($8,500) and may be combined with imprisonment. If the convicted individual commits the same offense again in the future, the punishment would be more severe than the first time.

Moreover, if the individual has caused significant harm to either the victim or society, the punishment can also be higher. For example, in cases where the obstruction results in the death of an official or law enforcement personnel, the offender could face a lifetime sentence in jail.

The Reasons for 공무집행방해죄

There are several reasons why obstructing official duties is considered a serious crime in South Korea. One of the major reasons is the importance of law enforcement and public officials to maintain peaceful, orderly, and fair society. They set rules and enforce laws that guide the public’s actions, and without their support, society would fall into chaos and disorder.

The obstructive act of an individual can also hinder the progress of public institutions from fulfilling their mandated duties. This could range from disrupting the functioning of the administration to stopping police officers from enforcing the law.

Moreover, obstructing an official from performing their duties can result in delays or even a complete halt in operations that are essential to society. This can further affect the efficiency of public institutions, leading to the loss of confidence from members of the public and hindering the state’s overall development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can the obstructive act be justified under certain circumstances?

A: Obstructing official duties is a criminal offense that can significantly undermine public institutions and society’s stability. Consequently, under no circumstances can the act be justified.

Q: What should I do if I’m accused of obstructing official duties?

A: Once an individual has been accused of obstructing official duties, they should consult a lawyer or an advocate who specializes in such cases. The legal representative will provide the accused with relevant legal advice, prepare defense arguments, and represent them in court if necessary.

Q: Can an official be charged with obstructing their official duty?

A: Yes, an official can be charged with obstructing official duties if their actions obstruct the performance of their duties.

Q: Can a parent be charged with obstructing official duties if they prevent their child’s arrest or refuse to cooperate with authority?

A: Yes, a parent can be charged with obstructing official duties if they engage in acts like this.

Q: What are the penalties for obstructing an official in South Korea?

A: The penalties for obstructing official duties can range from imprisonment to fines, depending on the severity of the offense. The punishment may also include probation or community service. The fines can range from one million KRW ($850) to 10 million KRW ($8,500).


Obstructing official duties in South Korea is a serious criminal offense that carries significant implications. With the South Korean government strictly enforcing the country’s criminal code, it is crucial that individuals are aware of what is considered obstructive conduct and the legal consequences that come with it. By understanding the nature of the crime and its legal proceedings, citizens can avoid violating its provisions and uphold public institutions’ integrity and stability.

주제와 관련된 이미지 공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금

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Article link: 공무집행방해죄 초범 벌금.

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