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공동 교신저자 찾기: 전 세계적인 논문 게재에 도움이 돼요!

(2021) Q&A로 알아보는 연구윤리 1   공동연구에서 저자표시 문제

공동 교신저자

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사용자가 검색한 키워드: 공동 교신저자 공동 교신저자 순서, co-corresponding author 표시, 공동 교신저자 영어 로, 1저자 겸 교신저자, 공동 1저자 4명, 공동 1저자 2명, 공동 1저자 3명, 공동 1저자 표기법

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(2021) Q&A로 알아보는 연구윤리 1 공동연구에서 저자표시 문제

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공동 교신저자 순서

공동 교신저자 순서, also known as the order of co-corresponding authors, is an important aspect of academic research in Korea. It refers to the order in which authors are listed in a research paper who have equally contributed to the work. This order holds great significance in the academic community and serves to recognize the contributions of the authors.

In this article, we will explore the intricacies of 공동 교신저자 순서 and its importance in academic research in Korea.

What is the Order of Co-Corresponding Authors?

The order of co-corresponding authors is used when multiple authors have contributed equally to the research project. In such cases, it becomes necessary to list all authors in a particular order to accurately reflect their contributions.

The order of co-corresponding authors is different from the standard author order, where authors are usually listed in order of their contribution to the research project. In the case of co-corresponding authors, all authors have made an equal contribution, and listing them according to their contribution would not be fair.

Why is the order of co-corresponding authors important?

The order of co-corresponding authors is important because it reflects the contribution of each author in a research project. It recognizes the work of all authors who have contributed equally, and ensures that each author receives recognition for their work.

In academia, being listed as a co-corresponding author shows that the individual has contributed significantly to the research project. This recognition can be beneficial when seeking funding or a job in academia.

Additionally, the order of co-corresponding authors can indicate the hierarchy of seniority within the authors. For example, in some cases, the more senior author may be listed first, followed by the junior author. This order can give insight into the roles and responsibilities of each author.

What is the recommended order of co-corresponding authors in Korea?

In Korea, the recommended order of co-corresponding authors is generally alphabetical. This is because it is considered the fairest and most objective method of listing co-corresponding authors.

However, there are instances where the order of co-corresponding authors is not alphabetical. In cases where there is a clear hierarchy of seniority among the authors, the more senior author may be listed first. Additionally, if the authors have agreed on a specific order, that order would be used.

It is important to note that the order of co-corresponding authors may vary between disciplines and even within different journals. Therefore, it is important to consult the specific journal’s guidelines before submitting a manuscript.

What is the difference between a corresponding author and a co-corresponding author?

A corresponding author is the individual who communicates with the journal editor throughout the submission and publication process. This individual is responsible for ensuring that all authors’ contributions are accurately reflected, that all necessary permissions and approvals are acquired, and that all conflicts of interest are disclosed.

On the other hand, co-corresponding authors are listed when multiple authors have made an equal contribution to the research project. All co-corresponding authors have the same responsibilities as the corresponding author.


Q: How many authors can be listed as co-corresponding authors?
A: There is no set limit on the number of co-corresponding authors that can be listed. However, it is important to remember that the contributions of each co-corresponding author must be equal.

Q: Can the order of co-corresponding authors be changed after submission?
A: Generally, the order of co-corresponding authors cannot be changed after submission. However, if the authors agree on a change, the journal editor may make the necessary adjustments.

Q: Can a co-corresponding author be the corresponding author as well?
A: Yes, a co-corresponding author can also be the corresponding author. In such cases, the corresponding author’s name is listed first, followed by the co-corresponding authors’ names.

Q: What happens if there is a dispute between co-corresponding authors?
A: In the event of a dispute between co-corresponding authors, it is recommended that the authors resolve the issue through discussion. If a resolution cannot be reached, the journal editor may make the final decision.


In conclusion, the order of co-corresponding authors is an important aspect of academic research in Korea. It recognizes each author’s contribution to the research project and provides recognition for their work.

In Korea, the recommended order of co-corresponding authors is generally alphabetical, although other orders can be used in certain circumstances. It is important to consult the specific journal’s guidelines before submitting a manuscript.

The order of co-corresponding authors can be beneficial when seeking funding or a job in academia. It can also indicate the hierarchy of seniority within the authors and give insight into the roles and responsibilities of each author.

Overall, the order of co-corresponding authors serves to recognize the contributions of all authors, ensure fairness, and facilitate effective communication within the academic community.

co-corresponding author 표시

Co-corresponding author (코대응저자) 표시 refers to a method of indicating two or more corresponding authors in an academic publication. In Korea, co-corresponding authorship is becoming increasingly popular due to the collaborative nature of research and the desire for equal credit among authors. This article will delve into the significance of co-corresponding authorship in Korea and how it differs from other forms of authorship.

Why Co-corresponding Authorship Matters

In Korea, co-corresponding authorship is a way for multiple researchers to equally share the responsibility and recognition for a research article. This is particularly important in interdisciplinary fields, where researchers from various disciplines come together to work on a project. In these cases, multiple authors are needed to provide expertise in different areas, making the research more complex and comprehensive.

By designating two or more corresponding authors, co-corresponding authorship recognizes the contributions made by each researcher and ensures that all authors share the credit for the work. This practice fosters fairness and accountability in the research community, supporting greater collaboration and more comprehensive research.

Co-corresponding authorship is also beneficial when authors work in different locations or institutions. It allows authors who worked independently or in different groups to be recognized equally for their contributions. Moreover, for authors in different time zones, co-corresponding authorship can help to ensure that all authors can communicate effectively and share responsibilities.

When to Use Co-corresponding Authorship

Co-corresponding authorship is typically used in studies involving multiple authors who have all contributed significantly to the research, but where one author alone cannot claim full responsibility for the paper. It allows for equal recognition of all authors who have contributed significantly to the project.

In Korea, co-corresponding authorship is also used in studies that require expertise from different fields or interdisciplinary research in which researchers from different institutions are involved. Additionally, co-corresponding authorship is often used when authors work in different parts of the world and may have difficulty communicating directly.

How Co-corresponding Authorship Differs from Other Authorship Methods

Co-corresponding authorship differs from other forms of authorship because it recognizes the importance of collaboration and equal credit in research. Under traditional methods of authorship, the first author is typically the person who did the majority of the research and wrote the paper while the corresponding author is responsible for communication with the journal editor and submission process. Co-corresponding authorship, on the other hand, allows for equal recognition of authors who have contributed significantly to the project, with no one person taking complete responsibility.

In a Korean research study, authors are usually listed in the order of their contribution, starting with the first author and followed by other authors who have played significant roles in the study. However, authors can also be listed alphabetically, where the first author’s name is not given more importance than other authors. In some cases, co-corresponding authorship is used when multiple authors have contributed equally, and all deserve recognition.

FAQs about Co-corresponding Authorship

Q: What is the difference between a corresponding author and a co-corresponding author?

A: A corresponding author is responsible for communicating with the journal editor and handling the submission process. Co-corresponding authors share these responsibilities equally.

Q: When is co-corresponding authorship necessary?

A: Co-corresponding authorship is necessary when multiple authors have significantly contributed to the research and sharing responsibility is desired, particularly in interdisciplinary research or when authors work in different locations or time-zones.

Q: Does the order of the authors matter when co-corresponding authorship is used?

A: No, the order of the authors does not matter. However, authors are typically listed in order of their contribution.

Q: Can there be more than two co-corresponding authors?

A: Yes, there can be as many co-corresponding authors as necessary. The number of co-corresponding authors should reflect the number of authors who have equally contributed and would like to share responsibility.

Q: How does co-corresponding authorship affect authorship order?

A: Co-corresponding authorship does not affect authorship order. However, in some cases, authors may choose to list the co-corresponding authors first to show that they share the same level of responsibility.

Q: What is the importance of co-corresponding authorship?

A: Co-corresponding authorship recognizes the importance of collaboration and equal credit in research. It fosters fairness and accountability in the research community, encouraging greater collaboration and more comprehensive research.

In summary, co-corresponding authorship is essential in Korea and other collaborative research projects. It allows for equal recognition of all authors who have made significant contributions to the research project and encourages greater collaboration and accountability. Researchers need to understand how co-corresponding authorship works, why it is necessary, and how it differs from other forms of authorship. By doing so, researchers can ensure that all authors receive the recognition they deserve for their contributions to the research.

공동 교신저자 영어 로

공동 교신저자 영어 로 or “co-corresponding authorship” in English is a growing trend in academic publishing. This practice involves two or more authors sharing equal responsibility for the correspondence and overall management of a manuscript. In this article, we will explore the benefits of co-corresponding authorship, the challenges it presents, and frequently asked questions about this emerging practice.

The Benefits of Co-Corresponding Authorship

One of the main benefits of co-corresponding authorship is that it allows for collaboration and a shared sense of ownership among authors. With co-corresponding authorship, each author contributes equally to the manuscript’s development and is responsible for its overall direction. This shared responsibility can be especially beneficial in interdisciplinary fields where multiple perspectives are necessary to make meaningful contributions.

Co-corresponding authorship can also improve the visibility and recognition of individual authors. Traditionally, only the first or senior author of a manuscript is recognized for their contributions. With co-corresponding authorship, all contributors receive equal recognition and visibility. This can be particularly important for junior researchers seeking to establish their research portfolio.

Furthermore, co-corresponding authorship can facilitate communication and collaboration between authors. When authors share the responsibility for correspondence and manuscript management, they are more likely to remain engaged throughout the publication process. This can lead to better communication and more effective collaboration, particularly in large multi-institutional studies.

The Challenges of Co-Corresponding Authorship

While co-corresponding authorship offers many benefits, it can also present challenges. One of the main challenges is the potential for disagreement among authors. Co-corresponding authorship requires that all authors share equal responsibility for manuscript management and decision-making. This can be problematic when there are differing opinions among authors about the direction of the manuscript.

Another challenge is identifying the roles and responsibilities of each author. With co-corresponding authorship, it is essential to establish clear roles and responsibilities for each author. This can be difficult, particularly in multi-institutional studies where there may be many authors involved. Without clear roles and responsibilities, it becomes challenging to hold authors accountable for their contributions.

Co-corresponding authorship can also be problematic when it comes to assigning authorship credit. In traditional authorship models, the first author is typically assigned the most credit, with subsequent authors receiving less credit. With co-corresponding authorship, it becomes more challenging to assign credit because all authors share equal responsibility. This can be especially challenging when it comes to promotions and tenure decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How many co-corresponding authors can a manuscript have?
A: There is no limit to the number of co-corresponding authors a manuscript can have. The decision on how many co-corresponding authors to include is typically made by the authors themselves and the journal to which the manuscript is being submitted.

Q: Do co-corresponding authors share equal responsibility and recognition?
A: Yes, co-corresponding authors share equal responsibility and recognition for the manuscript’s correspondence and overall management. This includes decision-making, communication with the journal, and addressing reviewer feedback.

Q: How do authors establish clear roles and responsibilities when practicing co-corresponding authorship?
A: Authors can establish clear roles and responsibilities by discussing them in advance and documenting them in writing. This could include outlining the specific tasks and responsibilities each author will be responsible for, such as drafting specific sections of the manuscript or coordinating data analysis.

Q: Can co-corresponding authors be from different institutions?
A: Yes, co-corresponding authors can be from different institutions. In fact, this is often the case in large multi-institutional studies.

Q: How do co-corresponding authors reach consensus when it comes to decision-making?
A: Co-corresponding authors can reach consensus through ongoing communication and discussion. It is important for all authors to remain engaged in the publication process, share their thoughts and opinions, and collaborate to reach a consensus.

Q: How are co-corresponding authors listed in the manuscript and authorship credit given?
A: Co-corresponding authors are typically listed in the manuscript by indicating their shared responsibility. For example, “Authors A and B are co-corresponding authors.” When it comes to authorship credit, most journals will recognize all co-corresponding authors as equal contributors.

Q: Can co-corresponding authorship be used in any field?
A: Yes, co-corresponding authorship can be used in any field. It is particularly useful in interdisciplinary fields where multiple perspectives are needed to make meaningful contributions.


Co-corresponding authorship is a growing trend in academic publishing that offers many benefits, including increased collaboration and shared ownership among authors. However, it also presents challenges, such as the potential for disagreement among authors and difficulties in assigning authorship credit. To address these challenges, it is important for authors to establish clear roles and responsibilities, remain engaged in the publication process, and communicate effectively throughout. With these practices in place, co-corresponding authorship can be an effective way to improve the quality and impact of academic research.

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(2021) Q&A로 알아보는 연구윤리 1 공동연구에서 저자표시 문제

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Article link: 공동 교신저자.

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