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공부 꿀템으로 스트레스 없이 공부하세요! [클릭해서 알아보기]

(광고X) 뼈 빠지게 공부한 서울대생들의 공부 꿀템 모음ㅣ 스튜디오 샤

공부 꿀템

공부 꿀템: How to Study Smart and Efficiently

공부 꿀템 – a term that literally translates to “study honey tips” – refers to tips and tools that help students study smart and efficiently. From planners and calendars to online courses and study groups, these 꿀템 offer insightful ways to manage time, improve focus, and enhance productivity. Whether you are a high school student preparing for college entrance exams or a university student trying to juggle coursework and part-time work, knowing how to use the right 공부 꿀템 can make a big difference in your academic success and overall well-being.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular and effective 공부 꿀템 that Korean students use to study and learn more efficiently. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about 꿀템 and provide some helpful tips for using them effectively.

어떤 공부 꿀템들이 있을까?

1. 플래너와 캘린더 활용법

Using a planner and calendar is one of the most basic and effective ways to manage your time and tasks. A planner is a notebook or app that helps you organize your schedule, set goals, and keep track of deadlines and appointments. A calendar, on the other hand, is a visual representation of time that shows days, weeks, and months in a grid format.

To use a planner effectively, start by writing down your weekly and monthly goals, such as finishing a project or preparing for an exam. Then, break down your goals into specific tasks and assign them to specific days or time slots. For example, if you need to finish a paper by Friday, you can allocate certain hours each day to research, outline, write, and revise.

A calendar can also help you visualize your schedule and prioritize your tasks. Use different colors or symbols to mark different types of events, such as exams, study sessions, and social activities. You can also use stickers or motivational quotes to make your calendar more fun and inspiring.

2. 효율적인 메모장 사용법

Taking notes is an important part of studying, but it’s not always easy to keep track of all the information you need to remember. That’s why using a efficient notebook or note-taking app can make a big difference in your learning process.

When using a notebook, choose one that suits your preference and needs. Some students prefer spiral-bound notebooks that allow pages to lie flat, while others prefer loose-leaf binders that allow them to insert and rearrange pages easily. Choose a size and format that fits your writing style, whether it’s lined, grid, or blank pages.

When taking notes, use shorthand or symbols to save time and space. Highlight key terms and concepts, and use different colors to differentiate ideas or sections. Organize your notes into outlines or mind maps to help you see the connections and relationships between different topics.

If you prefer electronic notes, you can use apps like Evernote, OneNote, or Google Keep to create and organize your notes on your laptop or mobile device. These apps offer features like voice recording, image annotation, and cloud backup, which can make your note-taking more dynamic and versatile.

3. 집중력을 촉진하는 음악

Music can be a powerful tool to enhance concentration and creativity. Research has shown that certain types of music, such as classical, instrumental, or ambient, can stimulate cognitive functions, reduce stress, and improve mood.

When selecting music for studying, choose pieces that are calming and unobtrusive, and avoid those with lyrics or distracting beats. You can create a playlist with your favorite tracks or use apps like Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Music to find pre-made playlists that match your study style.

However, remember that not all students benefit from listening to music while studying. If you find that music interferes with your focus or distracts you from the task at hand, try studying in a quiet environment or using other 공부 꿀템 to enhance your concentration.

4. 스마트폰 활용법

Smartphones can be a double-edged sword when it comes to studying. On one hand, they offer quick access to information, communication, and entertainment. On the other hand, they can also be a major distraction that disrupts your concentration and productivity.

To use your smartphone effectively for studying, limit your use of social media, games, and other non-academic apps during study sessions. You can also use productivity apps like Forest, Offtime, or Freedom to block distracting websites or notifications for a certain period of time.

However, smartphones can also be a useful tool for studying, as they offer access to educational resources like eBooks, online courses, and study apps. You can use apps like Duolingo, Quizlet, or Khan Academy to learn new skills or review course materials while on the go. You can also use online note-taking and synchronization apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive to store and share your notes and assignments across devices.

5. 온라인 강의 수강법

Online learning is becoming increasingly popular among Korean students, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Online courses offer flexibility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, as they allow learners to access quality education from home or on the go.

To make the most of online courses, choose a reputable platform or institution that offers the courses you are interested in. Some popular online learning platforms in Korea include Coursera, edX, Udacity, and FutureLearn. These platforms offer various courses in different fields, from business and technology to arts and social sciences.

When taking online courses, create a schedule and stick to it, just like you would for traditional classes. Set goals and deadlines for completing each course and allocate specific times each day or week to study and review the materials. Take advantage of the interactive features of online courses, such as discussion forums, quizzes, and assignments, to engage with other learners and test your knowledge.

6. 인터넷 검색 팁

The internet offers a vast amount of information at our fingertips, but not all of it is reliable or accurate. When doing research or looking for information online, use some of these tips to help you find the right sources:

– Use advanced search options: Many search engines, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, offer advanced search options that allow you to filter results based on language, date, type, or region. Use these options to narrow down your search and find relevant and up-to-date information.
– Check the source: Always check the credibility and authority of the source you’re using. Look for the author’s credentials, the publication date, and the publisher’s reputation. Avoid sources that are biased, outdated, or fake.
– Use keywords: Use relevant and specific keywords to search for information. Avoid using general and vague terms that may return too many results or irrelevant ones. Use quotation marks to search for a phrase or a sentence, and use minus sign (-) to exclude certain keywords.
– Use specialized databases: If you’re looking for scholarly articles, journals, or other academic resources, use specialized databases such as JSTOR, Springer, or ScienceDirect. These databases offer access to peer-reviewed and high-quality research papers and articles.

7. 시간 관리 습관

Time management is a key skill for academic success and personal growth. When managing your time, try to balance your academic, social, and personal activities and prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency.

One effective way to manage your time is to use the Eisenhower matrix, a tool that helps you categorize your tasks into four quadrants:

– Urgent and important: These tasks are top priority and need to be done immediately. Examples include assignments due soon, exams, or important appointments.
– Not urgent but important: These tasks are important but can be done later. Examples include long-term projects, networking activities, or skill-building.
– Urgent but not important: These tasks are urgent but do not require your immediate attention. Examples include emails, phone calls, or minor errands.
– Not urgent and not important: These tasks are neither urgent nor important and should be eliminated or delegated. Examples include social media browsing, watching TV, or unproductive meetings.

By using the Eisenhower matrix, you can focus on the tasks that matter most and avoid wasting time on trivial or unimportant ones.

8. 스트레칭과 휴식의 중요성

Studying for prolonged periods of time can be physically and mentally exhausting, and can have negative effects on your health and performance. That’s why taking regular breaks and doing some light exercise or stretching can help improve your focus, reduce stress, and enhance your energy and mood.

One effective way to integrate breaks into your study sessions is to use the Pomodoro technique, a time-management method that involves working in concentrated intervals (usually 25 minutes) followed by short breaks (usually 5-10 minutes). After completing several intervals, take a longer break (usually 20-30 minutes) to recharge and refresh your mind and body.

You can also do some light stretching or exercise during your breaks to help relieve tension and stimulate circulation. You can try simple yoga poses, neck and shoulder stretches, or go for a short walk or jog outside.

9. 스터디 그룹 참여의 장점

Joining a study group can offer many benefits, such as:

– Accountability: Studying with others can help you stay motivated and committed to your goals. You can set deadlines, share progress, and support each other through the learning process.
– Collaboration: Working with others can help you learn from different perspectives and exchange ideas and strategies. You can discuss difficult concepts, solve problems together, and give and receive feedback.
– Socialization: Joining a study group can help you meet new people and build new relationships. You can share your interests and hobbies, and have fun while learning.

When joining a study group, choose members who share similar goals and interests, and who are committed and reliable. Set clear expectations and communicate effectively to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Decide on a format and schedule that works for everyone, and come up with a plan and agenda for each session.

공부 꿀템 FAQs:

Q: What are some essential 공부 꿀템 for studying at home?
A: Essential 공부 꿀템 for studying at home include a planner/calendar, a notebook/note-taking app, a quiet and comfortable study area, a reliable internet connection, and a study schedule/routine.

Q: What are some 공부 필수템 디시 (essential study items recommended by online communities)?
A: Some 공부 필수템 디시 recommended by online communities in Korea include noise-cancelling headphones, ergonomic chairs/desks, adjustable laptop stands, warm beverages/snacks, and white noise machines.

Q: What are some 학생 꿀템 at 다이소 (student 꿀템 at Daiso)?
A: Some 학생 꿀템 at 다이소 (student 꿀템 at Daiso) include colorful and affordable pens/pencils, sticky notes/index tabs, clear document holders/folders, storage boxes/organizers, and clip-on book lights.

Q: What are some 다이소 꿀템 for studying?
A: Some 다이소 꿀템 for studying include USB chargers/power banks, phone/tablet stands, clip-on magnifying glasses, transparent document sleeves, and reusable water bottles.

Q: What are some 수험생필수템 디시 (essential exam-prep items recommended by online communities)?
A: Some 수험생필수템 디시 (essential exam-prep items recommended by online communities in Korea include highlighters/pens with multiple colors, past exam papers/practice tests, memory aids/memory aids/memory palaces, caffeine/energy snacks, and lucky charms/stress balls.

Q: What are some 다이소 추천템 for studying?
A: Some 다이소 추천템 for studying include cable organizers/holders, mini whiteboards/dry-erase markers, portable hand warmers/electric blankets, mini humidifiers/air purifiers, and waterproof phone cases.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 공부 꿀템 공부 필수템, 집공 필수템, 공부 필수템 디시, 공부템, 수험생필수템 디시, 다이소 학생 꿀템, 다이소 꿀템, 다이소 추천템

Categories: Top 66 공부 꿀템

(광고X) 뼈 빠지게 공부한 서울대생들의 공부 꿀템 모음ㅣ 스튜디오 샤

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공부 필수템

공부 필수템 (Essential Study Items)

공부 필수템 refers to essential items that students use in their studies. These items are essential in aiding students to maximize their academic performance and achieve excellent results. While different students may require different items, there are fundamental items that every student must have to succeed in their studies.

In this article, we will explore the various 공부 필수템 that students require to excel in their studies.

1. 학습노트 (Study Notes)

학습노트 is an essential item that every student requires to succeed in their studies. It is a book or a pad where students take notes during their lessons. The study notes help students to organize the information given by their teachers and retain important information more efficiently. Additionally, the notes serve as a reference during tests, exams, and revisions, making it easier for students to recall essential concepts.

2. 연필 (Pencil)

A pencil is a basic but essential item that students require in their studies. Although pens are widely used in the modern world, pencils are the most recommended writing tools for students. They are perfect for note-taking and allow students to make corrections in their work and keep their notes neat and organized.

3. 지우개 (Eraser)

Like pencils, erasers are a must-have in any student’s 공부 필수템 list. Erasers help students to correct their work and eliminate mistakes. It allows them to keep their notes clean and well-organized, making it easier to study and revise their work.

4. 화이트 보드 (Whiteboard)

A 화이트 보드 (whiteboard) is a fantastic tool that students can use for brainstorming, jotting down ideas, and working on group projects. It is an excellent tool for visual learners and allows students to organize their ideas in a more strategic and visible way.

5. 핀 (Pins)

Pins are multi-purpose items that students can use to organize their notes, assignments, and projects. They help students to keep their work organized and create a tidy workspace, making it easier to focus on their studies.

6. 스티커 (Stickers)

Stickers are a fun and creative way to help students stay engaged and focused on their studies. They can be used to add color and interest to notes and other assignments, making it easier to recall important information.

7. 색연필 (Colored Pencils)

Colored pencils are a valuable addition to any student’s study kit. They are perfect for note-taking, highlighting essential concepts, and adding color to drawings and diagrams. Additionally, they add visual interest to notes, making it easier to recall important information.

8. 디지털기기 (Digital Devices)

Digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops are essential in modern-day learning. They provide students with instantaneous access to information and allow them to study from anywhere and at any time. Moreover, digital devices can store and organize study materials, making it easier for students to access important notes and documents whenever they need them.

9. 참고서적 (Reference Books)

Reference books such as dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias are valuable study aids that students must have. They provide students with in-depth knowledge and information regarding various subjects, allowing them to expand their knowledge and understanding of the topics they are studying.

10. Study Schedule

Lastly, every student requires a study schedule to help them stay on top of their studies while balancing their social and personal activities. A study schedule is a plan that outlines the student’s study goals, assignments, and activities. It helps them to stay focused, prioritize their tasks, and stay motivated to achieve their academic goals.


1. Why is it important to have a study schedule?

Having a study schedule is crucial because it helps students to organize their study time, prioritize their tasks, and stay on track with their studies. Additionally, it helps students to manage their time effectively and avoid last-minute cramming and stress.

2. Can I use a ballpoint pen instead of a pencil in my studies?

While ballpoint pens are popular, pencils are the most recommended writing instruments for students. Pencils are perfect for note-taking and allow students to make corrections and add notes quickly. Additionally, they keep the notes neat and organized, making it easier to study and recall important concepts.

3. Do I need colored pencils?

Colored pencils are not a must-have item, but they are a valuable addition to any student’s study kit. They are perfect for highlighting essential concepts, adding visual interest to notes, and creating diagrams and drawings.

4. Why do I need reference books?

Reference books such as dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias are valuable study aids that provide students with in-depth knowledge and information on various subjects. These books allow students to expand their knowledge and understanding of the topics they are studying, helping them to achieve excellent academic results.


In summary, 공부 필수템 (essential study items) play a crucial role in helping students to maximize their academic performance and achieve excellent results. While different students may require different items, the items mentioned in this article are fundamental and must-have items for every student. These items include 학습노트 (study notes), 연필 (pencil), 지우개 (eraser), 화이트 보드 (whiteboard), 핀 (pins), 스티커 (stickers), 색연필 (colored pencils), 디지털기기 (digital devices), 참고서적 (reference books), and a study schedule. By using these items effectively, students can stay organized, focused, and motivated, leading to excellent academic performance and outstanding results.

집공 필수템

집공 필수템, or essential tools for home improvement, can make all the difference when it comes to tackling projects around the home. Whether you are a professional tradesperson or a novice DIY enthusiast, having the right tools can save time, money, and effort. In this article, we will explore some of the essential tools to have on hand when undertaking home improvement projects, as well as some frequently asked questions.

Tools for Measuring and Marking

One of the most crucial steps in any home improvement project is accurate measurement. Measuring and marking tools enable you to take measurements quickly and with precision.

1. Tape Measure: A tape measure is an essential tool for taking length and width measurements. It’s portable and can be used for various projects, making it a must-have tool in your toolbox.

2. Speed Square: A speed square is a versatile tool ideal for achieving accurate cuts on wood, angles, and marking up surfaces.

3. Combination Square: A combination square can help you with measuring angles; it features a 90-degree head as well as a sliding ruler for taking measurements and making straight lines.

4. Laser Level: A laser level helps you achieve precise horizontal and vertical alignments on walls, ceilings, and floors. It is particularly useful for hanging shelves, pictures, and tiles.

Tools for Cutting and Finishing

When it comes to home improvement, tools for cutting and finishing are essential. They allow you to achieve precise cuts, smooth surfaces, and be creative.

1. Saw: A saw is a valuable tool in any home improvement project, which can be used to precisely cut through different materials. There are different types of saws depending on the project, including handsaws for cutting through wood, and hacksaws for metal.

2. Drill: A drill is a versatile tool that can either be used for drilling holes in surfaces or used with a variety of bits. Drills can also be used for driving screws or fitted with tools such as wire brushes and sanding discs to help achieve professional finishes.

3. Sandpaper: Depending on the job, sandpaper can be a simple yet essential tool that helps you to smooth sanded areas. It comes in various grits, or the coarseness of sand, to create varying effects.

4. Level: A level is used to ensure horizontal and vertical surfaces are straight and aligned to prevent wonky finishes. There are different types of levels depending on the job; for example, a long spirit or bubble level is used to ensure a horizontal surface, while a torpedo level is used to ensure vertical surfaces.

Tools for Fastening

Fastening tools are essential in projects that require the tools to join or attach parts, ensuring they stay in place.

1. Hammer: A hammer is a primary fastening tool; it’s a handheld tool designed to hit nails, pins, and other materials fast into place. There are different types of hammers for specific jobs, such as a framing hammer for constructing and a claw hammer used to remove nails.

2. Screwdriver: A screwdriver is a small handheld tool designed to turn screws. There are two types of screwdrivers, flathead and Philips head with varying sizes for different projects.

3. Nail Gun: A nail gun is a power tool essential for construction work that requires driving nails quickly and accurately. Nail guns are suitable for fixing materials like skirting boards, architraves, and wooden floor boards.


Q: Why are measuring and marking tools essential for home improvement projects?

A: Measuring and marking tools like tape measures, speed squares, and laser levels help to ensure the accuracy of measurements and cuts. Precise measurements and cuts make it easier to create a professional-looking finish to your project.

Q: Should I invest in expensive tools right away?

A: It’s best to purchase good-quality tools that will last a long time, even if it means a slightly higher upfront cost. However, it’s important to choose tools according to the type of project you want to tackle and your level of expertise. Simple projects generally require fewer tools than more advanced projects.

Q: Can I complete a home improvement project without any experience or knowledge?

A: While some simple projects may be possible for complete novices with practice, it’s best to research and seek professional guidance for more complicated jobs. It’s essential to ensure the safety of the people working on the project and the longevity of the finished product.

Q: What safety precautions should I take when using power tools?

A: Safety should always come first when using power tools. When using power tools like drills and saws, it’s critical to wear protective eye gear and gloves. It’s also important to ensure the tools are used correctly and according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


In summary, having the right tools for home improvement projects can make the task easier, more efficient, and achieve a professional finish. The essential tools for measuring, cutting/finishing, and fastening include a tape measure, speed square, saw, drill, sandpaper, level, hammer, screwdriver, and nail gun. Investing in quality tools and using them safely and appropriately can help you achieve great results with any home project, big or small.

공부 필수템 디시

공부 필수템 디시 (DC) is a popular online community in South Korea where students and learners can share resources, tips, and insights on various academic subjects and fields of study. From exam preparation and homework assistance to career advice and language learning, DC has become a go-to platform for many individuals seeking support and inspiration for their educational pursuits.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of DC, exploring its history, features, and benefits for users. We will also address some common questions and concerns about the platform, providing readers with a comprehensive overview of this essential study tool.

History of DC

DC was created in 1999 by a group of Korean university students who recognized the need for a forum where students could communicate and collaborate on academic topics. Originally called “DC Inside,” the platform quickly gained popularity among South Korean students, who found it to be a valuable resource for sharing study materials, exam tips, and other academic advice.

Over the years, DC has expanded its focus beyond just student communities to encompass a wide range of fields and interests. Today, there are over 1,200 DC sub-communities, covering everything from medical science and engineering to cooking and fashion.

Features of DC

One of the most significant features of DC is its community-driven structure. Members can create and manage their own sub-communities, allowing for a personalized approach to learning and sharing. Each sub-community has its own unique rules and conventions, which help to maintain a welcoming and respectful environment for all members.

Another essential feature of DC is its wealth of resources. Users can search through thousands of posts and articles to find answers to their academic questions, or contribute their own knowledge and insights to help others. Additionally, DC offers various tools for organizing and keeping track of study materials, such as bookmarking and tagging options.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of DC, however, is its sense of community. Members can connect with like-minded individuals who share their academic interests and goals, creating a supportive and collaborative environment for learning and growth. Whether it’s discussing current events or sharing study techniques, DC is a place where learners can feel empowered and inspired to achieve their goals.

Benefits of DC

There are many reasons why students and learners might turn to DC for support and guidance. Here are just a few of the most significant benefits of using this platform:

1. Access to quality resources: With its vast database of posts, articles, and study materials, DC is a go-to platform for finding helpful information on academic subjects. Whether you need help with a tricky math problem or want to brush up on your English skills, DC offers a wealth of resources to choose from.

2. Personalized learning: With its sub-community structure, DC enables users to find and connect with others who share their specific interests or academic needs. Whether you’re studying for a certain exam or pursuing a particular career path, there is likely a DC sub-community that can provide you with the guidance and support you need.

3. Collaboration and support: DC is more than just a study tool – it’s a place where learners can connect and collaborate with others who share their passions and goals. Members can discuss academic topics, share study techniques, and provide moral support to one another, creating a sense of community that can make the learning process more enjoyable and rewarding.

FAQs about DC

1. How do I join DC?

To join DC, simply visit the platform’s website and create an account. You will need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name and email address, and agree to the site’s terms and conditions. Once you have registered, you can start browsing DC’s sub-communities and contributing to discussions and posts.

2. Is DC free to use?

Yes, DC is free to use! There may be some sponsored content or advertisements on the site, but these should not interfere with your ability to access and use the platform’s resources.

3. Can I create my own sub-community on DC?

Yes, one of the unique features of DC is that members can create and manage their own sub-communities. To do so, simply navigate to the “Create a Community” page on the site and follow the prompts. You will need to provide a name and description for your community, as well as some guidelines and rules for members to follow.

4. What types of resources can I find on DC?

DC offers a vast array of resources on a wide range of academic subjects. Users can find study materials, exam tips and tricks, language learning resources, and much more. Additionally, many sub-communities offer their own unique resources and guides tailored to specific topics or interests.

5. Is DC only for students?

No, while DC was originally created as a platform for students, it has since grown to encompass a wide range of interests and fields. Anyone with an interest in learning or knowledge sharing can benefit from using DC, regardless of their age or profession.

6. How do I navigate DC’s sub-communities?

To browse through DC’s sub-communities, visit the site’s homepage and explore the different categories and topics. You can also use the search bar to find specific sub-communities or posts related to your interests.

In conclusion, DC is an essential tool for anyone pursuing academic or personal growth in South Korea. Through its community-driven structure, vast resources, and sense of collaboration and support, DC offers a unique and valuable experience for learners of all kinds. Whether you’re studying for an exam, learning a new language, or simply seeking inspiration and guidance, DC is a platform worth exploring.

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(광고X) 뼈 빠지게 공부한 서울대생들의 공부 꿀템 모음ㅣ 스튜디오 샤

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